Nail fungus: what you need to know to heal and not to fall sick again

Nail fungus — it is ugly and evil. That the essentials in the treatment, is it worth it to apply remedies and how not to catch an infection.

How to understand that it is a fungus

Suspect onychomycosis can be symptoms:

  1. The change of color of the nail. It all starts with a small spot of the nail clears up or turns yellow. Subsequently, it can darken and even turn green.
  2. The change of form. The nail grows is not down there, on the plate appear of a wave.
  3. An unpleasant sensation, especially if you click on the nail.
  4. The fragility. The nail begins to flake off, weakening it. Obviously, that has changed the structure of the plate.

But the best with the diagnosis of face of the laboratory analysis, which will lead to the dermatologist: the nail and what is around, you need to scrape and examine it under a microscope.


Where does the fungus

Around us are living micro-organisms, including various fungi. Usually, they do annoy us. But if the fungus enters the right conditions, it begins to multiply very quickly.

The ideal environment for the fungus — a place where it is hot and humid. For example, in tight shoes, in the locker room at the gym or in the shower, in the bath or in the pool.

Why do you show the nail doctor

It is established that it is exactly the fungus. Without the research is not always easy, especially if the infection starts to spread.

May be, the nails have changed because of an injury, bacteria or psoriasis — then anti-fungal, medications purchased yourself, it won't help you.

How to treat nail fungus

Now in pharmacies enough of fungicides, which absorb the fungus, even in the nail, they are sold under different names. For the treatment of the skin around the nail more convenient to use drugs in the form of ointments, for the treatment of the plate — special eye drops or anti-fungal, the nail varnish.

The only difficulty in the treatment of nail fungus: it is necessary to apply the drug a few months, up to six months. It is thus a matter of patience and consistency.

If the fungus is already strongly has distorted the nail, it is worthwhile to consult with a specialist who takes care of the health of the feet and will be able to treat the infected nail so that it does not prevent to live. And it would be nice to change or sanitize the inside of the shoes that are in contact with those nails.

In rare cases, it is necessary to remove the nail.

Is it to treat fungus folk remedies

All of the funds is questionable alternative pharmacy antibiotics. The iodine, vinegar, infusions and fruit juices, the salt is a weak antiseptic that can destroy the fungus on the surface of the nail, but may not be entirely in the lime of the infection.

The most effective of these subsidies and dangerous, because they burn the skin and only aggravate the situation.

It is easier to buy a drug and not suffer by inventing another bath with powerful composition. The only advantage of the hot baths for the feet — nail is a little softened, so there is a chance of an antifungal ointment, and a drop of act better.

That dangerous fungus, if it is not treated

Fungal infections are treated long, that is why a lot of people forget to use medication or not to buy a new pack when the old one ended, and the processing is not completed.

Nail fungus

If the fungus is not stopped, it will spread, the whole of the nail becomes thicker and hard, begins to turn yellow and crumble. The skin around the nail and under it can fall sick, it increases the risk of injury, ingrown nails and beams.

If the infection starts on the skin between the fingers and on the feet, there will still be cracks, which are also evil.

How not to pick up the nail fungus

The fungi attack more often than people whose immune system cannot cope with the infection: for example, their body is weakened chronic diseases. Therefore, suffering from diabetes, or psoriasis should be particularly attentive to the health of the nails.

  1. Watch out for the hygiene. Dry, the hands and the feet fungus does not attract. Therefore wash you, the members and the shoes, change socks every day (and if it is necessary, and several times a day), don't forget the time to clean and cut the nails.
  2. Choose carefully the fabric that is in contact with the nails. The cotton socks, gloves and mittens — made from natural materials.
  3. Wear slippers and shales, especially in the locker room and the showers.
  4. Wear the second shoes. Don't stay seated all day in the same shoe, in which walking in the street, especially if you think of the winter, boots and shoes: don't let the feet sweat.
  5. Don't share towels. This are personal hygiene items, like a toothbrush.
  6. Do not do manicure and pedicure at home or in the salon, which is not good deal with these tools, you can pick up is not only a fungus, but something even worse.