The nail fungus on the big toe: symptoms, different treatment methods

According to statistics, currently about 25% of the world's population suffer from fungal infections. Very often, the nail fungus on the big toe. Onychomycosis can be in all the common areas. Getting their can be and then, when someone in the family is sick with a fungus. For the treatment of nail fungus can take a lot of time. In addition, the fungus can cause discomfort in the course of ordinary life.

fungus on the big toe

The reasons

The lesions fungal significantly more frequent among the representatives of the male sex than female. The elderly may be sick more often at a young age. It communicates with the fact that, because of the age of the movement is not as active as in the youth. Hosts the fungus is often directly on the nails of the big toes. This fact is explained by the fact that, on the inch of more space to the reproduction of the fungal infection as the fungi and uses. A large nail around many nerve endings and blood vessels. For this reason, the fungus can cause severe pain.

A person is infected by a fungus when it is in contact with the objects, where dwells a fungal infection. The controversy on the skin or nails are able to penetrate in areas of public spaces. In addition, the onychomycosis it is possible to infect when the application of the sponge, things, sneakers, which was used until sick. Stand out of reasons such as fungal infections on the thumb, such as:

  • hyperhidrosis;
  • flat feet;
  • deteriorated the integrity of the skin near the nail, or the disruption of the integrity of the nail plate, which will help the more quickly penetrate the fungus;
  • the lack of care of the feet;
  • diaper rash;
  • decrease in the immune power of the body;
  • in the event of prolonged exposure in tight shoes;
  • at the age;
  • of long-term illness (immune deficiency, diabetes, vascular diseases);
  • the paste in the nail plate artificial.

The symptoms of the initial phase

During the initial phase, the nails enter first minor color of the pink nails, they turn to pale yellow and dull. All people have pink plates of the nail, because through the plate, you can see nails in the lodge, which is threaded on the vases.

In diseases of the anemia, the liver, inflammatory currents in the body, lack of calcium, copper, iron, iodine, beta-carotene — onychomycosis the notice of the person considerably later. All the above phenomena and without fungal defeat change of tone and the structure of the nail plate.

Often onychomycosis installed on the great toes.

The initial stages of the fungus form in the thickness of the nail plate yellow of the cavity, the stains, the nail begins to darken and thickens in size. It is called hyperkeratosis. The nail becomes pasty, broken, flaky. The pieces of the nail, which has started to fracture and become infectious agents. The dissolution of the plate is plotted with its thickening.

Often, may appear as cracks between the toes (usually the 4 and 5 finger), the skin begins to flake, space begin to itching and get irritated.

the causes of the disease

Between the nail and nail bed of the skin occurs to free space. It is this gap that the fungus begins to actively participate in the reproduction. In the free space of the nail is dead skin, dirt, germs. Because of this there is a picture of the nail in yellow, pale gray, in some situations, it may acquire the same brown hue, in addition, causes the bad smell of the feet.

A fungus that affects the nail of the thumb, begins to secrete enzymes that contribute to its rupture. Therefore, the fungus is preparing a place for their own reproduction. The symptoms of the initial phase practically does not speak, no doubt the appearance of irritation on the fingers. The following steps — the color of the nail plate is changed, the plate is thick. The result of the thickening is able to be brasimone plate of the nail of a finger.

Usually, patients rarely attempt of his coming in the early stages of the disease. The habit is not deeply rooted the nail plate requires to be referred to a medical doctor.

Hit the nail begins to develop in the wrong direction, bent down and sinks into the skin, forming pockets in this place, the feeling of discomfort and pain when walking. This problem is a danger in the formation of infectious of the current in the body. A particular threat bone growth is responsible for people who suffer from diabetes – it is capable of causing the appearance of ulcers and gangrene of the feet.

Understand that the fungus is propagated intensively on the nails, you can change the surface of the nail:

  • the nail becomes thick, it will produce a band of pale or yellow colour;
  • with time, occurs a dissolution of the plate, may be there will be no end;
  • passes the detachment of the nail from the skin;
  • the lower part of the plate of the nail may turn yellow.

Medication of the fungal infection of the toenail on the big toe of the feet and hands

The result of the therapy is based on the speed of the man has proceeded to a treatment. In the early stages of treatment of the fungal infection of contribute to local products, and during advanced stages, when the nail plate is rooted, will live the therapy. Onychomycosis on-the-go, you can heal with the help of varnish, creams and the means that need to be taken inside. When the first forms of to treat the disease can be for 2-3 months, and are running the stage will take 6 to 12 months.

The cream

The tools of this form is used when the fungus has penetrated not only in the nail plate, but in the skin. They are powerful enough, the minor phenomena are caused rarely, you need to use 1 to 2 times per day.


Effect varnish, communicates with the softening of the nail, and also a manifestation of research regarding the sterilisation of the action. The varnish is located in the plate and destroys the parasite fungal.


When the disease is already at a stage of the negligence or the fungus multiplies very actively, the site of the lesion is very large, then the use of antifungals is limited to will not work. Tablets onychomycosis a wide variety and assign because of a qualified physician. Of these tablets, there are counter-indications, it is not necessary to consume them in childhood, people with diseases of the liver and kidneys. In addition, there are officinalis incompatibility with some medications, for example medications hormonal contraceptives of nature.

The treatment for pregnant women

the treatment of mycosis

The therapy is underway with the initial diagnosis. Only the doctor with the help of scratching, and the planting of crops or the DNA of the study is able to define the origin of the fungal infection and choose the right therapy.

All the tools used by the oral route and distributed through the bloodstream, in the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding banned because toxic affect on the liver, and women are capable of causing malformations in the development of your baby. In addition, forbidden to laser treatment fungus nail.

In the period of pregnancy and lactation appears to be local and the therapy, which is able to combine.

Safe is the surgical method of therapy, fungal infection, removal of the nail plate infected or their parts, the polishing of the plate with the continuation of the overlay specialized prostheses of the nail plate of dressing.

External tools against yeast infections – varnishes, ointments, gels, creams do not have contraindications for pregnant women, but their share and the duration of treatment is limited. Don't need to risk his own health, it is best to consult a doctor.

The doctor can make the appointment for the treatment of concentrated pulp of grapefruit — 33% of a solution. It must be a drip 1 drop (twice a day) on the infected area after regular nail treatment. In addition, once in 21 days, it must conduct a particularly sanding to the clinic. The healing occurs after 4 months.

The application of external tools, the duty to respond concretely to the schema of the therapy, which is recommended by your doctor.

Treatment of folk remedies


Daily application of a solution of iodine, such as antifungal of the tool, has saved not only the only person with this problem. The iodine takes the infected skin between the toes. But iodine is not a panacea for the treatment of fungal diseases. The alcohol of the composition of the iodine is able to provoke personal reactions of intolerance. The day before treatment with the iodine, you can put a drop of the solution on the elbow. If there is no apparent irritation or a kind of allergic reaction, you can start the treatment by iodine.

It is appropriate to apply the iodine solution 5% 1 drop on the nail plate twice a day. Are allowed to apply for the application of the iodine disks of cotton or a cotton-tipped swab. Soak up the iodine nails completely. Don't forget that the iodine solution will stain the nails in a yellowish staining, which will be visible on the hands.

(S) communicating (with nails also, it should be treated with a preventive aim – 1 drop of iodine on the nail once per 2 days. You should try applying iodine on the skin near the nails, as well as may produce burns.


It is possible to apply normal garlic. It disinfects surfaces and eliminates all kinds of pathogenic agents. A clove of garlic clean, grate, mix, you must put on the plate is damaged and roll up the tape. The whole of the composition is necessary to keep on the nail all night, in the morning time to hide. To perform such a procedure until the position of the nail plate is not improved.

Apple cider vinegar

Optimal external medium is obtained to perform with the help of apple cider vinegar. Every day, twice a day, it is necessary to rub the feet of the data of the solution, the liquid must be applied not only on the affected area, but the skin around them. In a basin of cool water you need to add 200 ml of vinegar. With this method, it is possible to be liberated and the excessive sweating of the feet.

Other means of the application of vinegar: 200 ml of liquid is needed to mix with the eggs and 100 g of butter. This mixture, mix well and put on a cool night. Since the morning, the mixture is already possible to apply compresses.

the traditional methods


Remove the nail fungus can be with the help of juice of celandine. In the same way as to eliminate the warts, it is not necessary to raise with a little liquid. Need to do the demolition of the leaf or the stem of the plant, the site will begin to emit a yellow liquid, it is necessary to rub it into the plot destroyed nail plate. Apply every day for 7 days, then make a pause of about 3 to 5 days. To advance you need to check yourself with an allergic reaction, which may manifest as adverse effects.


To eliminate a fungus many people use, including the coffee. This natural antioxidant promotes cleansing of the upper layers of the skin of dead cells and spores. Do need a very strong solution of coffee, then let it cool and soak in this solution infected by the member. Need 5-10 sessions to eliminate yeast infections.

The onion

Of onychomycosis help the onions. It is necessary to clean the pods, grate, mix with honey (1 spoon) and apply the mixture on the nail plate and the skin around them. Remember a few hours each day, a few days later, we can see an improvement, and still later than 7 days will leave the symptoms of yeast infection.