author Martim

The name of:


  • Causes and symptoms, types of skin fungus on the legs. Treatment with medicines and folk remedies, prevention of fungal infections.
    22 February 2022
  • Toenail fungus often occurs in people who don't practice good personal hygiene. What is it, types, stages and degrees, symptoms, causes of appearance, diagnosis, when it is necessary to consult a doctor, prevention, complications, methods of treatment: drugs, folk remedies.
    14 March 2021
  • There are two methods for the treatment of onychomycosis popular and professional. Folk remedies have proved their effectiveness and their safety. Also they are more affordable than the drug treatment.
    30 September 2019
  • The main reasons for the appearance of the fungal infection between fingers of feet are the following: reduction of immunity, metabolic disorders, a poor blood circulation in the lower limbs, the micro-wounds between the fingers, dryness of the stop or the excess sweating.
    26 July 2019
  • Mycosis of the feet – it is a very contagious disease. The fungi spread rapidly from person to person. Get all: men and women, and even children, if the family is already a carrier of this disease.
    25 July 2019
  • The supporters of alternative medicine, and prefer to treat themselves by the means, can advise you on a multitude of recipes to get rid of mycosis of the feet. In each house there are many tools that help you to overcome the unpleasant disease.
    3 July 2019