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  • How to treat foot fungus at home? By adhering to the simple tips of traditional medicine, you can get rid of mycosis in a short time. When the module is started, drug therapy is indicated.
    1 June 2021
  • Intolerable itching and redness of the skin between the toes, sharp pains when walking are the first symptoms of the most common dermatological problem - the fungus between the toes.
    21 March 2021
  • Medicines and folk remedies will help get rid of nail fungus at home. Rapid treatment of onychomycosis is possible with an integrated approach.
    16 March 2021
  • Illness of nail fungus requires urgent action and long treatment. Better you learn to identify the infection immediately. This disease is very insidious, because the symptomatology depends on the type of pathogen has caused the illness.
    1 October 2019
  • The fungus on the skin of the feet is extremely unpleasant phenomenon which is at the shelter. This article discusses methods of treatment of the fungal infection of the feet – such as drugs and folk.
    20 May 2019
  • Nail fungus is characterized by inflammation, pain and swelling toe. Ways of combating fungi do not destroy the pathogen, inhibit the progression of the fungal infection, and able to accumulate in the nails over a long period of time, which reduces the duration of treatment.
    8 April 2019